Monday, September 27, 2010

altifact square

Name:  cy jeon                               Group;                 Date:  9/27
Reading Assignment: ___Call it Courage  Chapter:5

1) Significant Passage (one from the chapter):
(Why you picked the passage) I think…

This paragraph is important because Mafatu could show the villagers and his father by showing them that he can survive in this rough journey. His father was impressed that his son Mafatu had survive his journey and also that he was wearing a wild boor’s tusk necklace. (The man could only stare and stare, as if he could not believe his senses.)page 94.(Here is my son come from the sea. Mafatu stout heart. A brave name for brave boy!)page 94. This sentences shows that his father was proud of Mafatu. Now no one would make fun of him. I think this was the Mafatu’s goal so this paragraph was important for this book.

2) Discussion Question:

3) Response to Question:

My father always told me to be a brave boy and do not give up if you decided to finish the work. But I was not so determined and also I wasn’t brave. So my father wasn’t really happy about me. One sunny day I was swimming than I saw a kid who was drowning. I was too scared to save a kid’s life so I shouted for an help but no one came to help. So I made a brave decision to save the kid I jumped into the water and I pulled the kid out of the water. When I came out of the water I saw a kid’s mother thanking me I was very nervous and also proud of my self.

5) Vocabulary (write the sentence or phrase with the word, part of speech, definition and also the page number).
1)The great chef’s face TRANCEFORMED into joy.pg94 2pr Dramatic change. Verb
2) The SAVAGES rushed after him into the shallows. Pg 84 2pr violent and uncrolled. Adjective

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A time that I had to be courage

A time that i had to be courage was when I was only 8 years old.
I got a shiny and professional bicycle which I really  from some celebration. one day my parents told me that I had to donate the bicycle who is very poor but I didn't wanted give my bicycle away so I said no. But my mom told me to think again and tell her my decision next day.

At the bed I thought about donating my bicycle to someone that I don't even know.  I was really nervous about donating my bicycle but I made a courageous decision. The decision was to donate my bicycle to other people because I felt like I was a selfish. Next morning I told my parents about donating my bicycle. My parents were surprised and also I  was surprised about my courageous decision.

When I came back from my school I realized that my bicycle was gone at that point, I felt little sad but I felt really happy and glad about my courageous decision. After few days passed, my parents told me that they have a good news for me. I asked them what the good news was. They told me that there is a new bicycle for me. Before my parents finish their word I ran out side to check if there is a new bike for me it was true I screamed in happiness. At that moment I learned that if you make a brave decision you will get better things.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?

There are many drawings of animals such as a bison, bull and horses running around. I think they drew this because they warship the animals. The scientists thinks that they drew the nature, hunting to remember the scene.

my hypothises is that they drew the pictures to remember the day or to warn something. For example there were a lot of foot prints of kids around the bison sculpture so that makes me think that there was a big ceremony about the kids turning into a adult was held around the sculpture. For the paints and spear thrower's top, there is a shape or paints of animals such as a bison, horses and some elephants I think they warship the animals because they might thought that the animals will protect them because the animals were strong and big.

I think this is all I can think of.