Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Megan Turner

Disabled? No, Gifted

Chaeli Mycroft has helped over 3000 disabled children annually in Africa. Chaeli thought creatively and positively in order to give herself and the children hope. She, thought of a way to support the children’s rights and how she could help them. Chaeli came up with an idea of making an organization called Chaeli Campaign where she would collect money to support the rights of the children. She was born with a disease called Cerebral Palsy  which makes Chaeli have limitation at using her leg and arms, she made a campaign called Chaeli Campaign and collected money to buy electric wheelchair but after getting the wheelchair, she ended up making a campaign called Chaeli Campaign which supported the rights and the acceptance of disabled children with her left over money. She has defended and stood up for children because she was one of them. Chaeli fights for the rights of children with disabilities because she knows how it feels to be disabled and not have the independence all people deserve. Chaeli helps children with disabilities by giving them more individuality and hope.

Chaeli Mycroft knows how it feels like to have more limitations than others. She might look different but what really different is her thoughts. Chaeli has overcome her disabilities mentally. She doesn’t see the limitations in herself. Many other people, if they looked at Chaeli, they wouldn’t think she can help others when she can barely help herself. Chaeli thinks differently, she instead of thinking her situation as tragedy, she thought more brightly and gave herself hope “If we see the light in each other, I believe we would live in a much brighter world.” she has worked for brighter world where all children have rights they deserve. One of Chaeli Organization’s programme is inclusive educations where the organization would run an Early, Children, Developments  inclusion programme in disadvantaged communities as well as support children with disabilities in mainstream schools. By giving educations to the undeveloped country and teach the children basic educations, the children would have more chance of getting a job or to problem solve. She has powers to convince other people to help her throughout the problems. Als   o one of the ways she fought for the rights and the independency of children were by giving the disabled a physical therapy service where children would be able to use their body more efficiently.  “Benefits hundreds of children in several communities around Cape Town where we offer our regular physiotherapy, speech and occupational therapy sessions.” by giving children physical therapy, the children would have more independency which means they have more freedoms and chance to follow their dreams and ambitions. By giving both education and physical Therapy, children will have more individuality where they will be recognized as a symbol of hope instead of useless people.

Chaeli has not only helped the disabled physically, she has also helped them mentally by giving them hope. “ It is our privilege to engage with people, to share positive experiences and to invite community members to focus on the ABILITY and POTENTIAL of our children with disabilities.” Chaeli thinks creatively and tries her best to use the organization efficiently and stay on the main goal of the organization. She has helped over 3000 children annually with equipment, physical therapy and by defending the rights and acceptance of disabled children. “Chaeli inspires other children to start projects and for that she has developed an ambassadors program.”  In the campaign, there is a program called Vocation & Rehabilitation programme: this is one of the programme where Chaeli would give opportunity to learn skills and practise them in a work situation for the young adults. This programme is in a form of a coffee shop and craft workshops. By putting young adults in a situation where they would learn to problem solve and have more confidence in their own life and stepping forward to work and be able to communicate more efficiently to other people. Chaeli by doing this programme is not only letting the young adults learn that they can also work and be able to step forward into the world instead of hiding and let the children have more confidence in themselves. One of the other way the organization gives hope to children is that they have a programme called African Odyssey where they would provide wheelchairs and support the establishment of their own charity organisation. Chaeli not only has helped disables, but she had persuaded others and showed how you don’t have to be normal and wealthy to help others. 16 families had taken Chaeli’s thoughts as an example and decided to do the same thing. By helping others, she has encouraged them to help others which will work as like a domino. Chaeli started the push and people who thought the same way will push the next generation and so on. Chaeli not only helped people economically and physically but most importantly gave people a hope.

Chaeli even if she is physically challenged, she saw her disability as a chance and a way to give others a hope. She has both physically and mentally gave hope to children in Africa. Chaeli is a motivational person who has a gift of helping others. She is continuingly helping children. Instead of thinking of disabled  as an useless people, you should respect and help them. As Chaeli Mycroft has shown us, disabled people are also valuable.