Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog Post

How Is Will Like Me?

Will has few commons with me. First Will gains his courage and confidence through out the journey but for me I always gain my confidence doing the same thing over again. If I get confident about the thing or subject I am doing, I do a really good job on it. The second thing that I have common between Will is when something blocks your way we get angry through the time passes. But Will change his anger to power to go through the conflicts. Other thing is that he works well with his friends Henry and Beanpole. Even though there is some conflicts between Will and his friends, he always sticks with his friends. For me if I have conflict between my friends, I also tell them how I felt and what I have done wrong. Finally I predict the future I think of what will happen in the future before I do something. But Will in the book, always predicts his future. He discusses with his friends and finds the best solution or way to solve the problem or any conflict that gets in their way.

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