Monday, September 12, 2011

My Name

My real name is Chan Young Jeon 전찬영. A name that refers to color blue. Whenever I think of my name, I think of number 2. Number 2 is a number matching my name because my name has two letters. Also C and 2 looks alike. Whenever I think of C I imagine color yellow I think this is because vitamin C is yellow, but however I hate color yellow I just don’t like color yellow. Most of the times I am number two I am always number two in science, art, math, and etc. But I pretty like my name most of the times. Sometimes I wish I could have named myself because most of the teachers and my friends mispronounce my name. So, I changed my name to C-Y which is really easy to pronounce. Sometimes I can make jokes out of it. Such as “You C-Y I am C-Y?” or “You C-Y?”.

When I was young my parents were going to name me Ba Da which meant ocean. I think this is why I like sea lives, ocean and color light blue. My parents were going to name me Ba Da because they wanted me to understand others and respect but name Ba Da was for girls so they didn’t name me it. Name CY also makes me special because none of my friends have a name that is only 2 letters and they don’t have a name they can make a joke out of.

Now days I don’t care what the people say about my name. I don’t care if they mispronounce my name because I know my name is C-Y and no matter what people say about my name I am C-Y. I also don’t care if people make jokes out of my name. But I expect people to respect my name and try to pronounce my name correct. My name is C-Y Chan Young Jeon and I am proud of my name.

Me and 3 Object

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.

Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.

Few days ago my Humanities teacher gave class a assignment. It was to find a quote and name the blog and to write the reason why I chose this quote. I have chosen Man is free at the moment he wishes to be because I beleive that all the freedom fighter always wished to be free and they did a chive freedom. And I value freedom high.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grade 7 Blog Post

So many memories,the first year of grade 6; locks & lockers~ panic and frustration, spirit week, Malaysia Week, assessment, grades, bake sales, Ancient Egyptian diaries, team celebrations and more!

What piece of work and learning are you most proud? I am very proud of my math and science grade even though its not that good because in first trimester it was c and c- but now, I have improved a lot now my average garde is B or B+ and I think its because I have tried harder on the Trimester.

What were your greatest challenges?
My greatest challenge was Humanities because since I am an english learner I had a bit of problem getting the instruction right in humanities. Also sometimes this brought my grade down.
Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
I learned that since I am not that organized it helps me when I finish the work earlier and send it to the teacher.


I listen to the instructions but sometimes I get distracted by people around me so sometimes I chat a bit.

Actively participate in class

Explanation: I actively participate in the class and also in the group work.


Explanation: I am not very organized but I am trying to improve on it.


Explanation: I always try to improve myself.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to keep my mind and eye on my task and not get distracted.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to turn the task on time for humanities.

7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it?
Egyptian Diary because I got to research new facts about peasants and got to right an essay as if we were ancient Egyptian.

8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?
9. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
If you are having a problem go see Mrs Topson.
Send the task earlier to your teacher and get checked earlier and improve on it.
If you are having a problem with instructions go see your teacher.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Title: Matilda
Author: Quentin Blake

1. This book made me think about my little cousin because she is always happy and only reads book.
My little cousin visited me last month or so and she only read books even though her brother was active.

2. This book challenged me as a reader by this book wasn't challenging but I was able to enjoy it because this book was about my reading level.

3. Don't read this book if don't like weird things or things that does not make sense or people who doesn't like silly things.
Because this book is or about silliness and funny events.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Literature circles 4 blog.

Trough out the books, most people might think that Will and his friends are just running away from the Tripods like wimps but my opinion is different. They are not running or just hiding from the Tripods. They are being against them they are trying to ignore the Tripods and be free to use their thoughts and his body. So I think Will and his friends are not afraid of the Tripods. I think they are fighting against them.

Will always fights for freedom. Every second he is fighting and escaping from the capping. Most of the days he was starving and didn't rest in a comfortable places. But Will shows his hope for escaping from the Evil Tripods by this. Beanpole, Henry and Will is sick and tired of capping and Tripods controlling over the humans. Will gives his comfortable life up to escape from the Tripods instead of getting capped and be Tripod's slave. But if he does chose to be three legged machines, he would have better life and lived with his mother. Will is also brave and courageous to run away from his mother. If I was Will I would not have chose to run away because I am afraid of doing it.
1. How were the Tripods able to control people?

The Tripods are way bigger and stronger than the humans. They have capped the people and people had no power to stop the capping and when people got capped, they did as what the Tripods commended to do. The Tripods made them as their slaves and make their life hard.

2. Find evidence ( quotations from the novel ) to show that even though Will is comfortable living at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped.

On page 116, it says "More and more I had despised them for it- despised even, for all their kindness to me and their goodness, the Comte and Comtesse" This shows Will's feeling when Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise gets capped by Tripods.

3. Find evidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped

"Providing the capping was a success, I reminded myself." This quote shows how Will feels during the journey. Will gains courage and hope during his hard journey. Will is sure that he will not get capped or get caught by Tripods. At the beginning Will wasn't really brave but now he is confident and he continues his journey to the White Mountain.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog Post

How Is Will Like Me?

Will has few commons with me. First Will gains his courage and confidence through out the journey but for me I always gain my confidence doing the same thing over again. If I get confident about the thing or subject I am doing, I do a really good job on it. The second thing that I have common between Will is when something blocks your way we get angry through the time passes. But Will change his anger to power to go through the conflicts. Other thing is that he works well with his friends Henry and Beanpole. Even though there is some conflicts between Will and his friends, he always sticks with his friends. For me if I have conflict between my friends, I also tell them how I felt and what I have done wrong. Finally I predict the future I think of what will happen in the future before I do something. But Will in the book, always predicts his future. He discusses with his friends and finds the best solution or way to solve the problem or any conflict that gets in their way.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Relaxing Spring Break

In the spring break, I went to Langkawi and Port Dickson. Both were all exciting and relaxing but I liked langkawi better because I went to snorkelling and I had better food also a good hotel. But in Port Dickson I only got to catch sea creatures such as crab and mud skippers. I ate instant noodles. So I will talk about trip to Langkawi first.


On Monday which was the 4th day of the holiday. Me and my family went to airport in Subang at 3 o' clock we were supposed to take off in 4 o' clock but the time was delayed we took off on 5. I was very annoyed because for an hour I had to sit without doing anything. I thought the trip was going to be pathetic. But after an hour and a half, My disappointment turned into a excitement because during the way to hotel, I have spotted racing cars which kids were allowed to ride. When we arrived to hotel, the workers greeted us and gave a glass of apple juice and told us to wait until they check for the rooms that we could use. I drank the juice and set on the sofa for a while waiting for the hotel managers to find a room for us. After few minutes manager gave us a key to the room. We went to our room and got changed. We just stayed in the room since it was 7 o' clock and out side was dark. We played board game named monopoly my mom got the first place then my followed by dad and my little brother. After we have finished the game we went to get dinner. For dinner, I ordered lobster, plain rice and so on. The lobster was so tender. I loved it. When we came back me and my bro decided to make a fire on beach. At first my parents disagreed but I told them it wasn't dangerous because we were surrounded by sand and sea. So they allowed me and my brother. We went to the beach when we arrived we picked up some dried branches, leaves and some nes papers from the hotel. I started the fire with a match it was cool that the small match could create a big fire. Me and my annoying brother first set the fire on the news paper and put some leaves and braches in. I caught some crabs to eat but my parents stopped me because they thought the water that crab was living in was dirty so we might get sick of it. After a while the fire died. My dad told me to fill the gap where I set the fire just in case it will burn again. My dad was annoyed because he gave a feast to mosquitoes while he was waiting us. When we went back to our room, tasty noodles were waiting for us. I ate them and even soup. Then, we watched TV but my tired parents told me and my little brother to get shower first because they were worried about us sleeping with our sinking cloth and body. So we did. After a shower with cold water I felt refreshing I dumped my tired body to bed and turned on TV hoping there is something to watch. I turned the TV channel to see the TV programs. I found one but I felt exhausted so I decided to sleep.

Next day, after a belly full of breakfast the bus came to pick us up to take to water snorkeling. Few minutes later we got into the ship. It took us to other island. The island was beautiful. First the guide told us about the safety rules and gave us the life jacket. We went straight into the cool ocean. I was surrounded by so many fishes with there sparkling scales while later I saw a shark they were one and a half meter long. The sharks were pretty gentle they didn't eat other fish neither attacking the humans and beneath their stomach, or on the side of them there were sucker fishes. After looking at all this wonderful marine creatures, my mom called me to get lunch. For lunch, the guides served us packed lunch there were fried chicken, rice, apple, coke, water and some vegetables. They were good. After 2-3 hours later we went back to hotel. Me and my brother played out side some more. Then we got changed into our clean clothes. Then we went to get dinner we went to "Roster's" but the food wasn't good. The chicken was all dried and the drinks tasted like a pills. After a terrible dinner, my dad rented a car. I do not know why my dad took so much time rent a car but it took an hour to do it. Since it was a small island we were able to ride car every where.

Last day, my parents took me to racing cart station. There, we were able to drive the cart. My brother often crashed to the wall and he broke the bumper so we had to pay 50 RM. While my brother was struggling with his cart, I zoomed around the map as if I were a profesional F1 racing driver. But we only got to ride for 10 minutes because the fee was too expensive. After having fun in cart, we headed to a restaurant where we had our dinner on first day for lunch. We ordered some shrimps, kangkong, steam rice, squid and so on.. When we finished our tasty lunch, we went to a beach behind the restaurant. It was beautiful as a picture. There were some paragliding going on. My mom who had hight fright wanted to try it. But we didn't have time to do that. Then my parents sent us to an aquarium. But parents went to a shop to buy gifts. The aquarium took one and a half hour. There were many marine creatures that I could only see in TV and even some of them, were the creatures that I have never seen it before. After the tour my parents greeted us form the main gate. They had plastic bags on their hand. My curious brother asked them what was in it. And there it was boxes of chocolates brother and I took out the fanciest box of chocolat because the chocolates in the boxes were shaped us shells. But my mom's opinion disappointed me and my bro. She said it was for the gifts. Then we went to airport. We had "Star Bucks Coffee" and few minutes later our family were in the plane.

This trip was awesome and exciting. I really, really enjoyed my dinner on the first day and lunch on the last day. Another thing was snorkeling I truly want to visit Langkawi if I have more opportunities.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In the humanity class we had to make an imovie with a partner. My partner was Sarah and My pharaoh was King Tut. My partner was a hard worker she worked really hard for the imovie comparing to me. She answered all three question. And also she tried to look for pictures.
She is a hard worker and if I were a teacher I will give her an A+.

She even helped on my work although she is done with hers and she didn't need to if she didn't wanted. I will try to work harder and help her if I and her gets partner again.

Yu Ern and Tem - Tutankhamun

They had a nice introduction. But how ever I wasn’t sure for the first part. Also other thing that they need to work on is choosing the background because at the background I could hear some noises from the background. Which made me and all the classmates to get confuse what you guys were saying in the video. Also another thing to improve on is to order the information in the orders that happened. Finally, you guys could have make the video more interesting by putting more transition between the pictures and making the script more funnier. The rest of the video was good and I could see that you guys have worked on it hard.

Justin-Pasha Khufu

I liked how Justin and Pasha have made their imovie but there were some problems that they had to work on. They had some of the grammar mistakes in their script also they had to make the voice clear. But they had few great things such as pictures and using the tone and pitch to make the voice more interesting.

Ashika and Alvin - Nefertiti

The introduction was fine but there were some mistakes that they have to work on. They didn’t have a lot of facts about Nefertiti but they had more facts about Ancient Egypt. Also there are supposed to have when the pharaoh have ruled but they didn’t have. Also they were talking too fast and not clearly. So I think they need to practice more before they record. They need to put some more transitions. Other parts were good.

Maria and Andrea - Ramses II

The introduction tells about when Ramses II have ruled so the introduction is good. The pictures matches the script, their voices were clear, information were interesting. They knew what monument Ramses II had statue for his monument. But they didn’t put the information and pictures in the order. Also I liked how they have another funny video of Ramses II.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Self Ivaluation

I did a presentation about my city which is Andong. I made a power point slides. I researched and researched for information about Andong but, I couldn't find any historical factors. I will try to find some more historical factors next time. But i think I have to find a better topic that has more information in it. But I think I tried my best and have put a lot of time.

What I did well on the presentation was that I spoke loud and I made an extra about Andong which was called FunFacts. I will try to improve on making it more creative next time when I do presentation.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Learning Profile

In class we had something called 'Dummy Profile' its about finding best learning style for me. My profile was B. I can learn best by having a visual example. 

I learn best when I visualize examples, write and speak.But I think visualizing the example helps me the best. Its because when I was young my parents always taught me by showing the things that they were going to teach me.

I have difficulty with memory, spelling and math skills due to temporal lobe/limbic connection with hearing and memory. So I need to work on it. I think by reading book and writing down the vocabularies that I don't know by writing it on my wall.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is showing me or make examples so that I can visualize because I understand faster when I see the example. Also I like to do it. What I mean by doing it is doing something about the topic.

 I would like my teachers to know this about me that I get distracted easily but I do my work. I learn by coummunucate with others.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New year Gaol & Holiday

I have two goals for this year. One of them is getting out of ESl and learn Spanish, French or Mandarine. I am very ditermined to learn more of this things but I think I need to work on vocabulary and grammar. I also think that I need to wright stories and give it back to my EAP teacher to check it. After the teacher checks it I will take the story back and wright it again with the edition from the teacher. The other way is to read more books and wright about it. Also i think I can return my work before the due date and check and then pass it to the teacher on the due date.

The other goal is to Get a better grade than this year. My goal grade is Science A- Math B+ - A PE A+ Drama A Humanity B-. I will be so happy if i make this goals. I will try harder to get batter grade. Especially for math and science I really want to have A-. There are more goals but these goals are the most important goal for this year in the school.

My winter break was horrible I had to go to 3 tuitions for monday and 2 tuitions for other days. After I came back from the tuition I had to do my HW and my works that I had to do in my house. But I was free after I finish my work. Most of the times I went out to play with my friends but sometime I stayed at home sleep, watch TV, computer or try to chat with my friend on the online. At the night I slept at about 11 pm.

My most favorite part of this holiday was having a sleep over  with my friends in my house. My friends came to my house at 10pm and we ate little snack. Than we went to my room and played pillow fight, box head(online game), Uno and hide and seek until 4am. We were too tired to play more. In the morning at 8am we had a breakfast and went out to swimming pool. We had water balloon fight and wrestling in the pool. My friends and I returned to my home and had a lunch. After we had our lunch, My friends left. After my friends left I went to bed and slept for 4 hours.